My Journey to Mediumship
My Journey to Mediumship
by Michael Ireland
This blog entry will give readers a brief background about how I came to do the work I do as a spiritual book editor, coach, and medium.
I was leading a fairly “normal life,” working in the film and television industry as a production coordinator. One Easter Sunday, I had a car accident and the injuries I sustained made it impossible for me to continue with my job. So, I went back to school, thinking I would take a degree in English literature. I took an elective course in Religious Studies and I found the class intriguing. I’d been “bitten by the education bug” and I knew that a lifetime of study in religion, spirituality, and things esoteric was what I was meant to do. And the rest is history. I’ve spent most of my life since age 35 studying the esoteric spiritual traditions of antiquity. I became an ordained metaphysical minister, then studied various modalities of alternative healing. Now, I work as an editor and coach for authors writing spiritual, self-empowerment, and New Thought books. I also work as a medium and minister and from time to time I deliver online seminars in spiritual topics and help others develop their metaphysical businesses.
So, how did I get started in mediumship? I had a surgery, during which I had a Near-Death Experience (NDE). I survived but my life was never the same. When I woke up from the surgery, I was medically intuitive. I don’t know why or how this phenomenon occurred, but the NDE reinforced the knowing that I was meant to be on a life path of spiritual and metaphysical study. After 15+ years at various educational institutions, my studies culminated in an advanced degree in parapsychology—the study of supra-natural events, or what is commonly known as ‘the paranormal’. But that is another story (see my Writings pages for more information). Meanwhile, back to the subject of correspondence with energy systems and the netherworld ... mediumship, metaphysics, and intuitive wellness ….
No one was more surprised than me about having become ‘medically intuitive’. This type of intuition is not like being a ‘normal psychic’— far from it. For example, I don’t get ‘fun’ psychic stuff, like who will meet a tall dark stranger, or who is having a baby, getting married, moving to a new home, or getting a new job—I get health news—who would benefit from visiting a doctor, dentist, chiropractor, or other medical professional—and the reasons why. While many healers, psychics, and mediums would love to hone this skill, I seem to have come to it by default. It doesn’t seem fair, but there it is ....
For a long time, I found being medically intuitive challenging. After avoiding it for 25 years, I began to accept it. Times have changed, people are willing to accept ‘other worldly’ phenomena as being the stuff of normal life. I discovered as I practiced that everyone is medically intuitive—and this means you. While you may not have ‘died’ and come back with enhanced intuitive abilities as I did, every one of us is born intuitive. The truth is that all we need to do to perfect this innate skill is to practice. If you have a healing practice and it is your job to help people heal, this is an exceptional skill to work with. And, if you are not a healer, it is still a great skill to have and to use for yourself, your friends and your family—even your pets.
For me, medical intuition led to an investigation of different alternative healing modalities (over many years, I studied sound healing, mind body spirit medicine, Pranic Healing, and Reiki). In the process, I discovered mediumship. For me, mediumship is the ultimate healing practice and it has become one of my passions. I no longer do medical intuition but I am available for coaching and offer a training course in the topic. If you are a medium who wants to delve more deeply into your spirit communicator’s past, medical intuition is a great tool for your mediumship toolbox!
So, that is how I became a medium. It was a circuitous route, I admit. But as the old saying goes, when the student is ready, the teacher will come. I studied first with James van Praagh, then took online courses with Carol Nicholson and others. Finally, I did mentorships with Mavis Pittilla and Tony Stockwell. I have taken online classes with renowned mediums like Martin Twycross and Colin Bates. I don’t think I’ll ever stop being a student of mediumship, it’s fun and there is so much to learn. Mediumship, like life, unfolds in a series of learning opportunities.
Thanks for reading!
About Michael:
Michael is an insightful, supportive editor specializing in spiritual books. She inspires mediums and lightworkers to unlock their potential, unleash their creativity, write their stories, and become best-selling authors. She specializes in working with authors who are writing non-fiction books in the topics of metaphysics, spirituality, and self-development. You can connect with her at:
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Many thanks, Michael, for your insights and your help. You are perfectly on.
I was very moved at the thorough meaningfulness and the depth and eloquence of the reading.
I was amazed and surprised at the accuracy and helpfulness of the reading.
Michael is a warm and caring individual, it’s been an honor to get to know her through this reading adventure.
I was highly amazed by the accuracy of your reading.
Little by little, we start to understand ourselves. Michael’s insightful reading helps to put the whole picture together.
I can’t even begin to tell you how accurate you are in every area.
I see myself a lot better now. So, armed with knowledge, forward!
A truly gifted practitioner!
You have amazing natural healing talents, Michael.
Michael is gifted, I highly recommend her services.
Awesome job!
You are Very talented.
You did an amazing job.
You’re incredible and I am so grateful for the work you’ve done for me.
An insightful and very helpful reading.
I was delighted at the accuracy of the interpretation.
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